
Императорские сады России

The 2011 “Italian Midday” Exhibition-Contest
26 May – 6 June 2011
Mikhailovsky Garden, St.Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg hosted the “Imperial Gardens of Russia” Festival for the fourth time. The three previous festivals have become the highlight events in the cultural life of the city and attracted the attention of St Petersburgers to the numerous traditional activities of the festival life. The Mikhailovsky Garden of the Russian Museum, the main venue of festival, has become not only the recreation spot but also the place where one could witness and partake in various creative actions.

2011 has been proclaimed the year of Italy in Russia. This fact has specified and determined the theme of the festival and that of the exhibition-contest: “Italian Midday”. The exhibition-contest of landscape design was dedicated to Italy, its culture and art, customs and traditions.


Shigeru Ban + Hermès, Fuorisalone 2011

Il Padiglione disegnato da Shigeru Ban e Jean de Gastines ha un’area di 214 metri quadrati - alto 4,70 metri e lungo 26 metri - ed è realizzato con 800 elementi standard in legno di betulla e 600 tubi di cartone fissati tra loro da 6.000 tasselli sempre di legno, mentre un nastro di carta lungo 800 metri forma le pareti. Il padiglione, smontabile, era ospitato nella sala della Pelota, a Milano, dal 12 al 17 aprile 2011, per presentare la collezione di mobili per la casa di Hermès.