
Naerum Allotment Gardens

Naerum Allotment Gardens by Carl Theodor Sorensen, Denmark, 1952

 Nærum, Denmark, are considered one of C. Th. Sørensen 's most important creations. In 1948 40 oval allotment gardens, each measuring c.25 × 15 m/80 × 50 ft, were laid out on a rolling lawn, a common green, in a fluid progression. The gardens are mostly placed so that the oval lies across the curves of the slope. This use of the rolling terrain, combined with the sweeps and curves of the hedges, accentuates the dynamic impression. The individual garden plots are enclosed compartments surrounded by hedges; their cottages may be situated in different ways, but comply with the overall plan. The hedges were originally intended to be both clipped and unclipped, using such species as hornbeam, hawthorn, privet, and roses, but today there are mostly privet and hawthorn, clipped in different heights and forms. The design of the individual garden plots was left up to each owner, but a guide from C. Th. Sørensen shows various models. The allotment gardens are situated close to a large public housing scheme, Nærumvænge, with flats and terraced houses, characterized by its homogeneous look and red hipped roofs. C. Th. Sørensen landscaped the green spaces here also.

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Nærum allotment gardens